
The SOLUCIENCE Movement is an initiative aimed at establishing a new scientific paradigm.

AgendaThe movement's agenda is to propose the SOLUCIENCE and DEO MATH paradigms as new frameworks for scientific and mathematical understanding.

SOLUCIENCE: A Meta-Framework for Interpreting Scientific ChallengesSOLUCIENCE serves as a meta-framework for interpreting complex scientific challenges, integrating multiple disciplines such as complexity science, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and data science to propose new methodologies for solving fundamental problems.It approaches issues that traditional scientific frameworks struggle to interpret through a new paradigm of understanding.

The core focus is on establishing a new way of scientific thinking that enables the resolution of problems beyond the limits of existing models.

DEO MATH: A New Mathematical ParadigmAs a new mathematical paradigm, DEO MATH offers an approach based on dynamic equilibrium and resonance, in contrast to traditional static mathematical structures.It systematizes DEO (Dynamic Equilibrium Operations), AR (Algebraic Resonance), and QDMR (Quantum Data Manifold Resonance) to either complement or extend conventional mathematics.Although its principles may not yet be widely accepted or validated within the current scientific and mathematical paradigm, it provides a novel approach to addressing contemporary complex problems.

SOLUCIENCE serves as the overarching paradigm, while DEO MATH functions as its core mathematical tool for implementation.

Spreading the MovementTo promote this movement, we are preparing:The establishment of an online foundation to support research and collaboration.

Publications and merchandise featuring the SOLUCIENCE approach to problem-solving, making these concepts more accessible to a broader audience.

Join us in shaping the future of science and mathematics!
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